As you step into the days ahead, remember this: no matter how lost you may feel, you have a God who seeks you out, celebrates your return, and rejoices over you.
Christmas and New Year have come and gone. Another season of office parties, cookie baking, gift wrapping, champagne toasting, and merry-making is over and done. As you look back over the past few weeks, are you happy? Is your heart still filled with the shepherds' joy or the wise men's wonder? Are you still ready to rejoice? Perhaps you are ready just to relax, to take a break. Or could it be that your happiness was fleeting? Down deep, you are hurting, joy is not your norm, or your grief has returned. That guilt that seemed to take a break is back; loss continues to confound you.
The happiness and cheer of holiday parties and gatherings have been lost. If this does not describe you now, I bet you remember a time when it did; a time where you felt lost, empty, and alone.
In Luke 15, we have three stories. Each story speaks of something lost and found: a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. At the end of each one, Jesus describes a party, a celebration.
- The shepherd throws a party for the lost-now-found sheep.
- The woman throws a party for the lost-now-found coin.
- The father throws a party in honor of his lost-now-found son.
Three parables, each with a party, three stories, each with the appearance of the same word translated into joyfully, rejoice, and be glad.
- Regarding the shepherd who found the lost sheep, Jesus says, "And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home" (Luke 15:5-6).
- When the woman finds her lost coin, "Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin" (Luke 15:9).
- The father of the prodigal son explains to the reluctant older brother, "But we had to celebrate and be glad because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found" (Luke 15:32).
The point is clear. Jesus is happiest, and all of heaven rejoices when the lost are found. For him, no moment compares to that moment when someone comes to faith. The rejoicing in heaven begins not when the saints arrive but when the journey of faith begins. The moment one dons the garb of grace, heaven pours the punch, strings the streamers, and throws the confetti, as Jesus says, "There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:15).
Jesus is happiest, and all of heaven rejoices when the lost are found.
You've got to admit such joy is a bit curious. We aren't talking about a nation of people or even a city of souls; we are talking about joy "over one sinner who repents." How could one person create that much excitement? We can live and die and leave no more than an obituary; dare we think that God is paying attention?
According to this verse, he is!
This is remarkable. As far as we know, heaven throws no party over our other achievements, according to Scripture. When we graduate from school, open businesses, or have a baby, the celestial bubbly stays in the refrigerator. So why the big deal when someone comes to faith? We don't always share such enthusiasm, do we? When you witness a baptism in church or hear of someone who comes to faith, do you drop everything and celebrate? Is your good day made better, or is your bad day salvaged? We may be pleased and even clap in church at a baptism, but do we feel the urge to bring out the band, cut the cake, and have a party? When one sinner repents, the heart of Jesus becomes like Times Square on New Year's, filled with cheer, hope, and great rejoicing.
It was a party of a different sort that made this celebration possible. It was a party filled with selfishness and sin that cried out, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" A murderous party brought Jesus to trial and soon celebrated as he climbed Calvary. They rejoiced in seeing the troublesome Rabbi punished. They mocked him upon the cross. They reveled in what was done. And that party includes you and me, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23).
Amid our sinful celebration, Jesus saves. Even when we don't fully realize the horror of hell, Jesus does. As he cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34), he knew the utter loneliness of the Father's separation, and he did not desire for you to know what that was like. As Jesus breathed his last, he secured a spot in the heavenly celebration for you.
Imagine a place where God isn't. You think people are cruel now; imagine it without the presence of God. You think there is loneliness and despair and guilt now; imagine life without the touch of Jesus, no forgiveness, no hope, no acts of kindness, no words of love, no more food given in his name, no more songs sung to his praise; no more deeds done in his honor; no one to comfort you and no music to soothe you. A place where poets don't write of love and minstrels don't sing of hope. That's not a party I would enjoy.
Joy comes to us not in an event or party but in the one who defeated death and rose on Easter.
Why do Jesus and his angels rejoice over one repenting sinner? Can they see something we can't? Do they know something we don't? Absolutely! They know what heaven holds. They've seen the banquet table, heard the music, and can't wait to see your face when you arrive. God's work in you will be completed. At last, you will have a heart like his. You will love with perfect love. You will worship with a radiant face. You will hear each word God speaks. Your heart will be pure; your words will be like jewels, and your thoughts will be like treasures. You will be perfect, guiltless, fearless, thrilled and joyous, tirelessly worshipping, flawlessly discerning. Joy comes to us not in an event or party but in the one who defeated death and rose on Easter. All of heaven rejoices at the idea of a celestial celebration with no weeping or gnashing of teeth.
Can you see now why the angels rejoice when one sinner repents? Jesus knows the stakes and what awaits; he wants you to know that, too. As you step into the days ahead, remember this: no matter how lost you may feel, you have a God who seeks you out, celebrates your return, and rejoices over you. Let the joy of heaven anchor your heart, for the same Jesus who bore your sin is preparing a place for you at the ultimate celebration. Take comfort in his grace, rest in his love, and let the party in heaven remind you that in him, you are never lost—you are always found.