Apart from the confession that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ of God who suffered and died for the forgiveness of sins and rose again to justify the ungodly, there is no Christian faith.
We are called to believe in the church even when we don’t believe in the church.
The great lie of addiction is that suffering must be fled, must be numbed, must be drowned out by any means necessary.

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Jesus refreshes you with the promises of the gospel, wrapped in the words of Scripture, drawn in the pictures of the sacraments.
In grace, God chooses to love his people.
Jesus, the true Bridegroom, erases that mistake by his own compassionate, saving act. Isn’t this also a picture of the gospel?
Christ is always the ultimate for God's children, but we sometimes struggle with things that come before.
Jesus loved us and gave himself up to save us. He would not abandon you to your hurt or cast you away because of the hurt you caused others.
The sinful nature loves self, and pride is its native tongue.
To obtain this righteousness, you have to admit you don’t have it and could never produce it on your own because you are unrighteous.
It's easy to have courage when things go well.
The price was really paid. Your sin remains buried in Christ’s tomb.
The love of God in Christ Jesus never changes. That love is for you.
Your champion steps forward.
In the Word, you find peace. It proclaims peace first between you and God because of Jesus. That empowers you to deal peacefully with others and brings you peace of mind.