In response to the Lord's undeserved love, Manasseh looked to him as the true God.
God’s people get the warm feast of victory, while God’s meal is prepared cold.
How intentional will we be about utilizing gospel spaces that already inescapably communicate?

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“Rembrandt goes so deep into the mysterious that he says things for which there are no words in any language.”
The disciplines of history and archaeology have assisted in demonstrating the integrity and accuracy of the Bible.
Scripture is clear in its main teachings and doctrines. People don’t need any special knowledge or training to understand sin, grace, forgiveness, and salvation.
We know God has a plan to bring forgiveness and salvation and healing to people, but we can’t see how it’s all going to work out.
In the midst of our grief and sorrow, there are times when words fail us. When they do, we know that God has given us words that will never fail us. He’s graciously given us his words of hope and comfort from the Psalms.
Heaven may seem like a long way off right now, but it is as close to you as a gentle word spoken, a splash of water, a bit of bread, and a sip of wine.
Ultimately the Christian life isn't about progress, it's about promise--the Pilgrim's Promise.
It’s a delivery of historical facts that tells us who Jesus is and what he has done for us through his dying on the cross and his rising from the grave.
From all accounts, everyone in Nazareth would have just thought of Jesus as a very good boy who obeyed his parents and worked hard with his father as a tekton’s apprentice in the family trade.
The Word of God, the Eternal Logos, Jesus Christ himself is revealed to us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Little by little, we find that God hands us his story as our own.
All creation joins together to repeat the sounding joy.
Abraham knew that this was a God who kept his promises.