The grain of God’s goodness and grace is made known by many trees throughout the Bible.
Jesus rests in a manger in the days to come, but don’t be fooled.
Ambrose's preaching continues to ring out in churches around the world, especially during Advent when we sing his magnificent, proclamatory hymn, "Savior of the Nations, Come."

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The Gospel predominates when hearers receive the saving gifts of Christ as God’s final word to them.
So, on this Good Friday, our sinful self and all our sins rest with Jesus here in His tomb. Our transgressions are fully atoned.
Every day for the baptized is a good day to die."
What comes to us at Christmas is not a great seasonal bargain to enhance our happy holidays. It is the priceless gift of God’s Son.
The Devil cultivates fear of God and promotes motivation and zeal for outward works and earthly virtue out of pure eternal self-concern.
The cross presents us a radically different standard. In God’s justice executed in the cross of Christ, nobody gets what they deserve.
Proper preaching of good works is never for our encouragement.
You have suffered your son to come unto Jesus; but fathers, don’t let him die!
The story of Christ crucified has a happy ending. Jesus has conquered the grave. He beat the death rap.
What would be a fitting thing to give up, especially during the season of Lent?
“It’s bigger on the inside” is not only an evocative literary device, it is also a phrase heavy laden with Good News found in the true story of Christianity, especially at Christmas.
We have heard of the man born to be king. Here in Bethlehem, by divine condescension, the King—the King of kings—is born to be man.