It is Jesus himself who is the ladder by which sinners get to God, not by them climbing up but by God climbing down.
This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics, edited by John Bombaro and Adam Francisco (1517 Publishing 2016).
In Christ, this world’s never-children are his always-children, because he isn’t a God of death, after all.

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A Christian story untethered from the reality of Christ and his mercy toward sinners becomes a mere fable, while a sermon disconnected from the hearts of its listeners remains a hollow oratory.
Patrick's breakthrough came when he began to leverage his knowledge of the native language and customs to build a bridge between Irish lore and the Christian mythos.
The church is called to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. Where is that message found? In every blade of grass, on every page of Scripture.
There is no AA for legalists. At least not officially. But there ought to be, and it should be called your local church.
The more I got to know Dr. Rosenbladt, the more I saw that he wasn’t a man divided.
What does professional wrestling and preaching have in common?
What (if anything) makes a sermon distinctive?
The Jews were living the script for a Western movie when Jesus showed up. The enemies of God were running the town
Yes, Christmas brings joy, but no less danger
Paul has zero patience for the gospel of God to be called into question, especially when the ones questioning it are the ones who should’ve known better.
Any message other than "Christ for you" is not good news.
Matthew 22 sees Jesus address Jewish legal debates. In the process, he makes disticntions between the Law and Gospel.