Huff did not stop there, though. Towards the end of the interview, he asked Rogan, "What do you think of Jesus?"
God reminded me that it's not my job to logic and argue people into heaven, even when those people are my children.
The gospel is best understood in terms of those two most important words: for you.

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The Devil cultivates fear of God and promotes motivation and zeal for outward works and earthly virtue out of pure eternal self-concern.
The devil tempts us to hope in things that we can do.
We just finished celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
Whether we realize it or not, all these online, self-editing actions are nothing more than our admission that we believe that we are so deeply flawed that no one will love us just as we are.
God’s justification of us does not happen secretly in our spirits. God justifies you and me in His absolving Word
When I was about 10, I went on a hike with a boys brigade. We were all racing down this path at lunchtime when I decided to beat everyone to the bottom by deviating from the path.
I’ve always been a very passionate person. Adventure is my favorite thing.
In Christ we are freed to be for our neighbor without fear of sin and damnation falling upon us.
We’re by nature counters. So long as we can add, subtract, multiply and divide something, anything, we have some measure of control and comparison.
My parents will be the first to tell you, I can really put my foot in my mouth. I often don’t say the right thing.
When we are unsure of who God is, it’s to Christ that He tells us to look.
This book tells of my long and brutal journey. From married to divorced. From a seminary professor and pastor to a disgraced, bitter truck driver in the oil fields of Texas. From a man at war with God to a child redeemed by grace.