No matter how many times we hear this good news, it never stops being good news.
Our faith is precisely where Paul puts it, namely, in the blood of Christ.
Just as trick-or-treaters arrive at doorsteps as beggars, we come to the Lord’s table with nothing to offer but our sin and need for forgiveness.

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Only by accurately and honestly reporting the views of those with whom we disagree can we then properly address and refute them. This is the approach Solberg has taken.
The story of salvation is the true story of God doing his unexpected work of salvation for us.
What if sin was truly removed and what if the one who took it from us had the power to conquer it’s curse and spit in the face of death?
What is undoubtedly true, however, is that St. Peter wasn’t left outside. He wasn’t left weeping. He was restored, as am I, as are you.
You are not alone if you find it difficult to wrap your mind around the auspices of the Old Testament sacrificial system.
Many people have struggled to understand Leviticus and Old Testament worship in general. Here is a handbook or map to navigate these subjects, and to see their relationship to Christ and his saving work.
Past, present, and future are tied together in Christ.
My fear of this coming darkness only lasts a moment.
We don't make Church "happen." Only Christ can do so. It's his happening.
Some explanations are better than others, but they remain our explanations—except if we had some perspective from outside, above, and behind nature.
When I finished this book, I loved the Bible, and the Bible’s author, even more. And I can’t imagine a better endorsement than that.
Reading includes, on some level, striving. Hearing, on the other hand, remains passive.