It is Jesus himself who is the ladder by which sinners get to God, not by them climbing up but by God climbing down.
This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics, edited by John Bombaro and Adam Francisco (1517 Publishing 2016).
In Christ, this world’s never-children are his always-children, because he isn’t a God of death, after all.

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There is no justification by the works of the law
Scent plays an important role in our memories and the story of Scripture
Any message other than "Christ for you" is not good news.
Confession and absolution offer more than assurance, they gift real and genuine Divine promises.
Matthew 22 sees Jesus address Jewish legal debates. In the process, he makes disticntions between the Law and Gospel.
How the ancient view of "guts" is a lively metaphor of promise
Christ reshapes what forgivness means and why it's important
As much as we want the glory, riches, and knowledge of Dantes, what we need is Jean Valjean's candlesticks.
Charles V, for all his power, his lands, and his riches, was ultimately unable to hinder the spread of the precious Gospel.
Dyson demonstrated a pious persistence with Lewis, something we can emulate in our own friendships and conversations.
We must also address the stigma surrounding addiction within so many churches.
The issue is not the existence of so-called inner rings, but our desire and willingness to spend our lives in order to gain from an inner ring what is freely promised in Christ: hope, security, and identity.