We now are the magi: we worship Christ because of who he is, but also because of what he has done for us and what he continues to do in his gift-giving to us.
Epiphany continues the work done at Christmas, bringing light and life to a dying world desperate for hope.
The “Chalking of the Door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home.

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We can interpret "be the Church" as either law or gospel.
This is the sound of freedom. The Eternal One died so that we who are dying might live eternally with him.
He shows up when we are at our worst to usher us back to his side, lead us to repentance, rescue us, and reclaim us as his own.
There is no AA for legalists. At least not officially. But there ought to be, and it should be called your local church.
At the Transfiguration, we say farewell to alleluia and hello to the horrific reality of our lost condition.
In a world—and even a church—full of distractions, thank God for Rod Rosenbladt. He pointed us to Jesus and Jesus alone.
Christ's resurrection does not merely negate the bitterness of sin; it changes it into a source of divine sweetness, embodying the promise of a new life for us and a restored existence overshadowed by heavenly hope.
When we believe in Jesus as the true and better fulfillment of every promise made to Abraham, we, too, are counted as righteous in the same way that he was — by faith.
The essence of what it means to be a son or daughter of Abraham, an inheritor of the Abrahamic promise, was irrevocably tethered to faith.
Your justification isn’t a matter of “Jesus plus” anything.
Jesus reveals to them again who He is. And that life can only be given when we feed on Christ.
Paul has zero patience for the gospel of God to be called into question, especially when the ones questioning it are the ones who should’ve known better.