The sinful nature loves self, and pride is its native tongue.
This article is part of Stephen Paulson’s series on the Psalms.
John inspired me to see each sermon as an apologetic opportunity.

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In the United States Marine Corps, part of my training involved Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) handling. The 6 rules of EPW handling are:
There are a few occasions in the Bible where the curtain lifts, and we get to peer into the inner workings of the Divine Court.
If we get past Sunday School moralizing what do we discover in the Old Testament?
In Martin Luther's Small Catechism he borrows a line from St. Augustine about what defines a "god."
Bring your black eyes and bruised hearts. Bring your criminal records and soiled pasts. Bring your same sex attraction and internet history. Jesus isn't afraid of your sin or your righteousness.
I’ve always been more at home in the Old Testament than in the New Testament.
From the untouchable living on the streets of India to the millionaire in Manhattan; from the farmer in Germany to the escort in Vegas; from the missionary in Argentina to the bartender in Ireland—they are all in the love zone of the Lord. Every. Single. One.
There is just something about the idea of not being ‘under Law’ that sets off all kinds of alarms in the minds of many Christians.
Whenever preachers get up to speak about the topic of love, they very often go to passages like 1 Corinthians 13, and they are very apt to do so — for there, under the Spirit’s design and influence, the apostle Paul gives, perhaps, the most complete view of love we’ve ever been given.
Amazing grace is a sweet sound not just because it saved a wretch like me, but because it saved a whole wretched world like me.
In God’s eyes, we cannot be too fat or ugly, mean or selfish, shamed or abused, corrupted or inadequate for him not to love us.
Some have built an entire theology on the false assumption that when God commands us to obey or believe, we have the ability to obey or believe.