The gospel is best understood in terms of those two most important words: for you.
Epiphany is one of the most important festivals of the church year, although often sadly overlooked.
The gospel gives us faith, hope, and love, all of which proceed from Christ’s death and resurrection.

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With these words, Jesus at the same time acknowledges that earthly government is both divinely sanctioned and, at the same time, not to be conflated with the kingdom of God.
Our enoughness before God cannot be earned by our piety or bestowed by our neighbor. Our righteousness and our justification come from Christ and His work for us
I finally climbed all 109 mountains. My journey began out of desperation, fueled by anger, fear, resentment.
This quest to justify my existence can end because I have been justified by God who gave up heaven to be with me!
Netflix just recently released a series called The Umbrella Academy, another comic book series adapted for screen.
I was once asked why I thought young people were leaving the church in droves after they graduated high school.
Our church doesn’t talk a lot about giving up things for Lent. Lent seasons means we have Sunday night services as well, where we bring in speakers who talk about a different theme each year.
The post-Reformation observance of Lent is both commemorative and penitential
Americans love the vicarious sense of pride they get from the odds-defying underdog myth.
If you are going to memorize a passage of Scripture, can I suggest these two verses?
As one substance, Christ is God become man, the fullness of God who was pleased to dwell in Jesus Christ.
The danger was not necessarily inside the city. Nor was it from an obvious source. Outside the walls of Thyatira, lay a small shrine of white stone.