Craft of Preaching Workshop
A multi-day workshop for pastors to hone the Craft of Preaching
A multi-day workshop for pastors to hone the Craft of Preaching
Event Date
June 05 - 07, 2023
The task of preaching is continually before you. By it you proclaim the promises of God in Christ to the church and the world. Though it is a weekly task, rarely do pastors get the chance to step back to consider the broader task of preaching and receive continuing preparation for the task.
With this in mind, we invite you to join other pastors for a three-day workshop on the task of preaching. It will be led by Dr. Jeff Pulse, accompanied by other breakout sessions, and ample time for fellowship. The topics will center around how to make rich use of the Old Testament for preaching Christ Jesus for the church and for the world.
Dr. Pulse is a professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is an academic, but above all he is a pastor.
St. Lorenz Lutheran, Frankenmuth, Michigan is our gracious host for this event. Registration fees include the workshop, several meals, and some books from 1517 Publishing. Lodging is not covered with the registration cost yet there are many lodging options to be found in and around Frankenmuth.
Registration (including meals listed below) is $55.
Jeffrey Pulse (STM, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN; PhD, University of Durham, England) is Professor of Exegetical Theology, director of Certification and Placement, and Director of Continuing Education at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. He is also the author of "Figuring Resurrection: Joseph as a Death and Resurrection Figure in the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism" from Lexham Press.
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