Chad Bird

Chad Bird

Mens Retreat

calendarEvent Date

April 04 - 06, 2025

06:00 PM


4418 Rea Road Charlotte, NC 28226

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About Event

Hope Community Church in Charlotte, NC, has invited Chad Bird to speak at their Men's Retreat in April 2025.  Chad will present sessions on Limping with God: Jacob and the Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship. This event is closed to the public.


Keynote Speaker

Chad Bird

Chad Bird

Chad Bird is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. He holds master's degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He has contributed articles to Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation, The Federalist, Lutheran Forum, and other journals and websites. He is also the author of several books, including The Christ Key & Limping with God.