Erick / Erica Sorensen

Erick / Erica Sorensen

Weekend Gathering

calendarEvent Date

March 07 - 09, 2025

06:30 PM


811 Cassils Road West, Brooks, Alberta

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About Event

Trinity Lutheran Church in Brooks, AB, Canada, has invited Erick and Erica Sorensen to speak over the weekend of March 7-9, 2025.   Erick and Erica will speak to men and women, respectively, in an informal setting on Friday evening.   Erick will present a Saturday seminar from 9a - 12p and also teach the Sunday morning Bible class that weekend.

All are welcome and please see the church website for specific times and details. 

Keynote Speakers

Erick Sorensen

Erick Sorensen

Erick Sorensen is in charge of Church Partnerships in the Development Department at 1517.  His B.S. in Organizational Leadership is from Biola University, and his M.Div. is from Lutheran Brethren Seminary. Erick has served as a pastor in Fontana, California, Staten Island, New York and Roxbury, New Jersey. In 2015 he planted Epiphany Lutheran Church in New York City, New York. Erick is host of the  Law & Gospel Devotional, co-host of the 30 Minutes in the New Testament and Field Guide to the Bible podcasts, and is co-author of Scandalous Stories: A Sort of Commentary on the Parables. 

Erica Sorensen

Erica Sorensen

Erica is in charge of Individual Partnerships in the Development Department at 1517. She holds a B.A. in both International Economics and Spanish from Valparaiso University and a M.A. in Teaching from the University of St. Thomas. Erica has a diverse work background in non-profit business operations, K-12 education, and fundraising. She is a passionate Gen Z advocate and speaker to church leadership and youth alike, teaching about the unique joys and challenges of sharing the Gospel message with young people in a post-Christian world.