While We Wait

While We Wait

An evening of Music & Poetry for Advent

calendarEvent Date

December 17, 2023

07:30 PM


33-57 58th St.

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About Event

Remember in the beginning of C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, where his imaginary land of Narnia is described as always winter and never Christmas because of the witch’s control? Although that is not our reality, it can feel like we're stuck in a perpetual winter. Join us for “While We Wait”.

This Advent, spoken word poet, Tanner Olson and songwriter Blake Flattley explore what it looks like to wait, hope, and anticipate the coming of Christmas knowing that it will, and has, in fact, come.

Keynote Speakers

Blake Flattley

Blake Flattley

Blake Flattley is an accomplished singer-songwriter and the head of 1517 Music. He holds a BA in Humanities and an MA in Theology from Concordia University, Irvine and has served as a Worship Director for churches in Southern California, Houston, New York City and the Phoenix area. Blake currently lives with his wife Tara and their three girls, Amelia, Olivia, and Willa in Southern California.

Tanner Olson

Tanner Olson

Tanner Olson is an author, poet, and speaker living in Nashville, TN with his wife Sarah and their dog, Pancake. The mission of Tanner’s writing is to spread hope and announce love through written and spoken word poetry. From classrooms to churches to coffee shops to conferences, Tanner has traveled the country performing poetry, delivering messages of hope, and sharing stories. You can find Tanner's work at writtentospeak.com and @writtentospeak on Instagram.