165: Timothy Keller - Postmodernism: Only powerlessness and oppression brings moral high ground and true knowledge

Now You're Playing with Power. In this episode, we discuss what happens when a society subverts the power of dominant groups in favor of the oppressed.


A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory https://quarterly.gospelinlife.com/a-biblical-critique-of-secular-justice-and-critical-theory/

160: Timothy Keller - Biblical justice differs in significant ways from all the secular alternatives https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/160-keller

161: Timothy Keller - There is no need in liberal society for any consensus on moral values https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/161-keller

162: Timothy Keller - Liberals’ insistence that religious views stay out of public discourse is hypocritical https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/162-keller

163: Timothy Keller - If you believe in human rights, you are probably not a utilitarian https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/163-keller

164: Timothy Keller - Lots of foolish and cruel things can make us happy https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/164-keller

Ringside with the Preachers https://www.facebook.com/ringsidepreachers/

Small Catechism https://catechism.cph.org

Large Catechism https://www.bookofconcord.org/lc-1-intro.php

Grace Upon Grace - John Kleinig https://amzn.to/2QIqc33

Free to Be: A Handbook to Luther's Small Catechism https://amzn.to/31Hl2us

Lord’s Prayer - Albrecht Peters https://amzn.to/2QHGmd2

John Kleinig http://www.johnkleinig.com

The Federalist Papers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Federalist_Papers

The pursuit of Happiness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happiness

One Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting' https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/08/27/906642178/one-authors-argument-in-defense-of-looting

Uncle Tom (2020) https://uncletom.com

God’s justice is better than man’s justice: A response to Tim Keller https://libertarianchristians.com/2020/08/07/gods-justice-tim-keller/




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