187: Gerald Kennedy - Contentiousness is not listed as Christian virtue

Red Dawn in the Church. In this episode, a sermon by Bishop Gerald Kennedy on communism in the churches. What did it mean in 1960, and what does it mean today, that religion is an opiate?


Gerald Kennedy - Communism in the Churches https://wallbuilders.com/sermon-communism-churches-c-1960/#

The Book of We https://www.gutenberg.org/files/61963/61963-h/61963-h.htm

Metropolis critique https://youtu.be/DJjbfaEtPN0

Doctor Zhivago (1965) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059113/

The Cultural Revolution - Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the decade of upheaval in China under Mao's revolt within his own party, led at first by the Red Guards, from 1966 until his death in 1976. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000q9b6

Monsanto https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto

Moralistic therapeutic deism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moralistic_therapeutic_deism

SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY, & CULTURAL DECLINE - Has smartphone technology changed the way we live and relate to others? Is there a relationship between social media usage and increased suicide rates among teens and preteens? How do images and short video clips affect the way we think about news stories and the world around us? On this program, Shane Rosenthal discusses these questions and more with T. David Gordon, who teaches a course on “media ecology” at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. https://whitehorseinn.org/resource-library/shows/social-media-technology-cultural-decline/

184: Bowler - Christmas in Nazi Germany https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/184-bowler




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