Co-Laborers for the Gospel
This is the end of our conversation with Aimee Byrd to discuss the discipleship of women.
We discuss the mixed messages often given to women, that they are a part of the great commission, and yet they should remain quiet. Then there's the different messages in "men's devotional Bibles" and "women's devotional Bibles" that take several passages that refer to both men and women, and make it about just men, or just women, essentially interpreting passages that aren't about manhood or womanhood gender exclusive.
Then we discuss the common practice of outsourcing the discipleship of women to parachurch organizations (even outside the denomination) to put a "safety barrier" between the pastor and the women of the church.
In the end, it's not about promoting women to leadership positions, or trying to appear inclusive, but it's about making sure the women are getting the same gospel--and the same access to discipleship that the men are getting, so that the whole church- the united co-laborers for the gospel moving in the same direction in the great commission.
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Also, Gretchen will be at the Here We Still Stand Regional Event in Arkansas, not speaking, but just there to hang out! If you would like to come hang out, and listen to some amazing speakers on the topic of sinners/saints, you can register here: