Dare to Lead BONUS Episode
In this month's extra book club episode, we are discussing Brené Brown's book: "Dare to Lead." We talk about mixing secular and Biblical sources and the right and wrong way to do that.
In this month's extra book club episode, we are discussing Brené Brown's book: "Dare to Lead." We talk about mixing secular and Biblical sources and the right and wrong way to do that. We talk about her definitions of vulnerability, and when and where it's appropriate to be vulnerable.
When she presented this information in as she presented it to various armed forces, she explains how any act of courage embraces vulnerability.
This book isn't about leadership as much as it's about working in group settings, working through hard things with those in your community, all of which apply to parenting, committees, teams, or wherever there are people working toward a common goal.
There's some great tips in here on how to build trust with others. There's also some great information on healthy boundaries: what they are and what they aren't. It's also a logical look at feelings and what to do with them, and how to view them.
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