Season 2, Chapter 2, Episode 1 with Bob Hiller
In this episode, Debi talks to Brian, a young man who has had experiences with megachurches and a celebrity pastor- he had a conversion experience and seemed to be doing everything right, and then the wheels fall off. After listening to this interview, Debi discusses Brian's situation (and those many who have similar stories) with the Reverend Bob Hiller of 1517's own the "Craft of Preaching" and "You Are Forgiven."
Welcome to season two of the Soul Of Christianity: Stop, In The Name Of Love (Before You Leave the Church).
In this season, Debi talks with people who have a troubled relationship with the church- maybe they have left the church altogether, or stopped going for any number of reasons. Debi talks with them and then one of her gracious theological friends about how we might think through the issues.