Sharing the Gospel with Teens
We have special guest Sarah Crowder to talk with us about interacting with the teens in our lives--whether our own, in our churches, or neighborhoods--in a way that helps them understand the gospel.
Sarah teaches theology classes to high school freshman at a Lutheran high school in Las Vegas, many of whom are unchurched. She talks about building relationships through transparency, and not presenting ourselves as perfect.
We talk about the dynamic of teaching both law and gospel to teens, and where vocation and excellence plays into all of that.
She finishes up by sharing how she shows the kids where in our theology of the cross they can safely grieve, especially after a tough couple of years that the teens have lived through.
Some videos she made for her student that she uses often:
Sarah's YouTube channel:
A video she did on her dad and what church means:
Her lesson on death and dying featuring the sermon at her dad's funeral:
Some of the audio was a bit crackly in the first 4 minutes, and hopefully we got it a little fixed after that. Hang in there, it gets better.
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