1. Bunny trails abound! But Craig and Troy nevertheless manage to land firmly on Christ.
  2. "Let's trap Jesus with His words!" is never a good plan. Jesus answers their "unaswerable" questions.
  3. Jesus aims His third parable at the self righteous who think their own clothing is good enough to merit God's kingdom.
  4. Jesus fells the Pharisees with the folly of their fallacies.
  5. The curse falls upon those whose faith is Christ-less. Craig and Troy wrestle with the illustration of the fig tree.
  6. "Meek and mild" Jesus goes righteous rage on those who would turn a buck on what God would freely give.
  7. Here's the king, but where's his crown? Craig and Troy discuss the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
  8. One at the right hand, and one on the left . . . but Jesus doesn't think that means what they think it means.
  9. The problem isn't your stuff, and it isn't your efforts. The problem is YOU. With God, even your salvation is possible, but on your own you're toast.
  10. It seems like the Pharisees have marriage issues, but the real issue is the question "why do those who say they love the Law want to create loopholes to get around it?"
  11. God relentlessly pursues those who stray so that He may restore them to where they belong.
  12. Mary is blessed, because Mary knows the way God works and because she knows His promises, and she knows that in her womb grows her savior.