1. The Beatitudes aren't veiled Law, but pure gracious Gospel. Jesus tells us we are blessed when we are found in Him.
  2. At the outset of His ministry, Jesus' authority is on full display. Authority over sickness, authority over demons, and the authority to call you to follow Him
  3. Craig and Troy tackle the issue that has caused so many first-year seminarians untold sleepless nights: When Jesus was tempted, could He actually have sinned?
  4. Satan had so much success in deceiving the first Adam he figures he can do the same with the Second Adam. But Jesus won't play Satan's game according to Satan's rules.
  5. Does God come that we might serve Him, or that He might serve man? Craig and Troy revisit the end of Matthew 3 to bring out the implications of what it means for Jesus to serve us by fulfilling all righteousness.
  6. God doesn't demand that you wash yourself and come up to Him in holiness, but instead He comes all the way down to you in the filth of your sin.
  7. . . . but the joke's on Herod. Joseph takes Mary and baby Jesus to refuge in Egypt, and all that happens in Matthew 2 is done in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.
  8. King Herod's rule is threatened when the Magi come to worship the one born King of the Jews. But did they spill the beans?
  9. "Joseph, being a just man, was unwilling to put her to shame." The young woman Mary turns up pregnant before the wedding, and what is a fiancé to do?
  10. Matthew tells us how Jesus came from a proud and glorious lineage of . . . well, of prostitutes, thieves, and murderers as well as kings and prophets, all of whom happen to be God's people. Jesus reaches all the way down into our humanity so that He can fulfill everything for us.
  11. So what happens when you come to the lowest moment of your life and doubt that anything good can come out of it? God meets you there in His Redeemer. Craig and Troy finish up the book of Ruth.
  12. Ruth is given six measures of joy and rest. Boaz does everything he can to protect her integrity and her reputation. God's blessings will fall on them both, and all people will be blessed through Him.