1. After a bit of a hiatus, Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin sit down and catchn up.
  2. Katie Koplin and Gretchen Ronnevik talk about what it means to grow in Christlikeness.
  3. In this episode, Katie Koplin and Gretchen Ronnevik interview their friend Raleigh Sadler, who is the founder and executive director of "Let My People Go" which is a ministry that empowers churches to fight human trafficking, and reaching those most vulnerable.
  4. After chatting a bit about the names of their houses, and life in general, Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin jump back in to the Heidelberg Disputation of 1518, and how it is such a great foundation for Biblical counseling.
  5. Working through the book, "Making Christian Counseling More Christ-Centered," Katie Koplin and Gretchen Ronnevik discuss how the theology of the cross impacts how we view ourselves.
  6. What does mental health have to do with the 95 thesis and the Heidelberg Disputations? Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin.
  7. The rest of Gretchen Ronnevik's interview with Nathan and Joy Hoff had a handful of technical difficulties, but the conversation was so rich that none of it seems to matter.
  8. As Gretchen Ronnevik was with her family at Mount Carmel Bible Camp, she ran into her friends, Nathan and Joy Hoff who run an internship program in California for young adults at their church.
  9. Does believing in a sin nature, or that all our works have sin, lead to depression?
  10. We've found Katie Koplin, in the midst of moving into an old church, and working on her training to become a Christian counselor.
  11. In part 3 of Gretchen Ronnevik's conversation with Amy Mantravadi, they discuss specifically the unusual marriage of Martin Luther and Katharaina Von Bora.