1. On this day, we remember the feast of St. Titus and from a few centuries later, St. Paula. The reading is "On a Roccoco Crucifix" by John Wheelright.
  2. On this day, we celebrate the Conversion of St. Paul and the founding of Sao Paulo as a Jesuit Mission. The reading is "The Harvest is the End of the World and the Reapers are Angels" by Robert Wagner.
  3. On this day, we celebrate the Feast of St. Timothy and remember John Donne. The reading is "Death Be Not Proud" by Donne.
  4. On this day, we remember St. Marianne of Molokai and also the establishment of Georgetown in 1789. The reading is "A Prayer (For Those Who Shall Return)" by Katharine Tynan.
  5. On this day, we remember Father Gapon & Bloody Sunday of Russia in 1905 and the Testem Benevolentiae was published in 1899. The reading is a poem from M. Luther, translator unknown.
  6. Today, we celebrate St. Agnes Day. And the Book of Common Prayer was mandated in England on this day. The reading is "Hymn of the Magdalene" by Marbod of Rennes, trans. Hellen Waddell.
  7. On this day, the Decian persecution began in 250 AD. And in 1518, Tetzel published his Counter-Theses to Luther. The reading is "Resurrection" by Charles G.D. Roberts.
  8. On this day, we remember Hans Sachs and Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester. The reading is "Invocation" by Juan Ruiz.
  9. On this day, we recognize the Feast of the Confession of St. Peter and the remember the baptism of Taufa'ahau Tupou. The reading is "Poem with a Phrase by George Herbert" by Brett Foster.
  10. On this day, we remember St. Antony of Egypt, who died in 356. We also remember the Zwingli v. Grebel colloquy on Baptism. The reading is "The Cross" by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
  11. Click on the button with the picture of the Nazi on it. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss an excerpt from Hermann Sasse’s 1932 article against National Socialism. What happens when the message of the church and state are indistinguishable?
  12. On this day, we remember George Spalatin and the signing of the Virginia Act of Religious Freedom. The reading is an excerpt from Eugene Peterson's "Tell It Slant."