1. On this day in 451, the 4th ecumenical council convened at Chalcedon. And we remember Richard Whately, defender of the historicity of the Bible, who died on this day in 1863. The reading is by Thomas Washbourne, "Casting All Your Care Upon God, for He Careth For You."
  2. On this day, we remember the birthday of William Laud, born 1573, a religious man-in-the-black-hat. We also remember Quaker, preacher, and abolitionist John Woolman. The reading is from Charles Wesley, "He Shook Off the Beast."
  3. On this day, we remember Pope Formosus and the Cadaver Synod. We also remember Bruno of Cologne, who died on this day in 1101. The reading is from "That All Shall Be Saved" by David Bentley Hart.
  4. This Is The End... Gillespie and Riley wrap up their discussion of John Bunyan’s story about the Pilgrim’s Progress. This week, we get apocalyptic.
  5. On this day, we remember famous preacher Jonathan Edwards, born in 1703. We also remember Baptist-then-Presbyterian-then-Baptist-again Harry Emerson Fosdick, who died on this day in 1969. The reading is "God of Grace and God of Glory" by Fosdick.
  6. On this day, we remember Cranach the Younger, artist, and neighbor of Martin Luther. We also recognize the publishing of the Coverdale Bible in 1535. The reading is "Jesus Praying" by Hartley Coleridge.
  7. We remember on this day Francis of Assisi, who venerated poverty and loved nature. We also remember Dionysius the Areopagite, whom we meet in Acts 17. The reading is "Remember Me, Implored the Thief" by Emily Dickinson.
  8. On this day, we remember the founding of Opus Dei in 1928, a unique Roman Catholic organization. Today is the birthday of Wolfhart Pannenberg, also born in 1928. The reading is "Thy Kingdom Come" by Elmer Suderman.
  9. Today, we remember both the birth and death days of John Peter Muhlenberg. We also recognize the Marburg Colloquy of 1529, a meeting between the German and Swiss reformers. The reading is "A Psalm of Life" by H.W. Longfellow.
  10. What about the reality we left behind? Gillespie and Riley get to the last chapter of The Pilgrim's Progress. This episode, baptism, carrot on a stick Jesus, and why verbs matter.
  11. On this day, we celebrate the feast of Bible translator St. Jerome. We also recognize Gregory the Illuminator, credited with converting Armenia from paganism to Christianity. The reading is from "Mighty to Save" by Charitie Bancroft.
  12. On this day, we celebrate the feast of St. St. Michael and All Angels. We also remember the author, W.H. Auden. The reading is an excerpt from "For the Time Being" by Auden.