1. Psalm 38 shows a confession of sin that seeks and trusts in God alone forgiveness.
  2. In Psalm 22, we see our pain and suffering imputed to Christ on the cross as he confesses the words of the Psalm.
  3. Crumbling and forsaken, a cry goes out to God.
  4. Psalm 31 delivers the promise that God is our deliverer and steadfast refuge.
  5. Christmas? This Is Pretty Much The Whole Package. Gillespie and Riley read and so discuss Augustine’s sermon “Why Celebrate Christmas?” This episode, more rabbit trails, laughs, and discussion of Psalm 85 as the perfect Christmas sermon text.
  6. What can separate you from God's love in Christ Jesus? When bad times hit, are there blessings in it? We bear with the sufferings of this world in anticipation of the glory of God to be revealed. When the doubts of faith arise, to where do we look for comfort and assurance? Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more in Romans 8. Live by grace and not by the law.
  7. Daniel and Erick begin the journey through 1st Peter. The goal of Peter is giving hope to suffering Christian. What does he root their hope in?