1. In this episode, Blake sits down with podcast producer, Caleb Keith. They discuss his path into podcasting, the importance of listening, and his desire to serve his neighbor through his work. 
  2. Continuing on our baptism discussion, and the power of God's Word, through physical means, Katie and Gretchen walk through their catechisms and think about the common struggles with the doctrine of baptism.
  3. In this episode, Gretchen and Katie tackle a question from a listener about baptism. What do we believe? What does it mean? What does it do?
  4. In this episode, Blake sits down with filmmaker and urban farmer, Andrew Cagle. They discuss the philosophy to the approach to farming at Elmwood farms in Dallas, TX, and the connection we as people have to creation.
  5. In this episode, Katie and Gretchen attempt to define 2 separate terms: Christian freedom and American freedom.
  6. In this episode, Blake sits down with the Creative Team from Storymakers. They discuss their process of bringing a story to life through the crafting of words and the use of color and illustrations, as well as their intention to always point people toward the Gospel.
  7. In this episode, Blake sits down with songwriter, Kip Fox. They discuss growing up around music, learning to create routines, and adapting as life changes.
  8. In this episode, Blake sits down with metal worker, Joshua Keith. They discuss how a show on the History Channel led him to pursue blacksmithing, the way he approaches his craft, and how what we create serves our neighbor. 
  9. Caleb is joined by Bob Hiller and Rod Rosenbladt to close out Luther’s Large Catechism.
  10. In this episode we are answering a question sent into us, about when it's ok to say "no" to being pulled into serving in a ministry. We talk about how we don't always "feel like" being involved, and also manipulation, and the "savior complex" we slip into so easily.
  11. In this episode, Blake sits down with writer, David Zahl. They discuss his journey into writing, the philosophy of writing from below, and the struggle with the inner critic.
  12. In this extra special episode, we get to sit down and talk with Dr. Scott Keith, executive director of 1517, and author of "Being Dad: Father of a Picture of God's Grace."