1. Paul has a full head of steam and runs into the ground the notion that we receive the Spirit by works instead of by grace. Instead, we are of Abraham, the man of Christ.
  2. We remember the year 754 and the death of St. Boniface of Mainz. The reading is a quote from St. Boniface.
  3. We remember the year 1804 and the poet and pastor Eduard Mörike. The reading is "Wo find Ich Trost" by Mörike.
  4. We remember the year 1980 and the beginning of Catholic & Orthodox dialogue on Patmos. The reading is "In the Person of His Son" by Catesby Paget.
  5. Riley and Gillespie take a break from the usual format to consider how our nation quickly forgot COVID-19 in the wake of the death of George Floyd. We seek to better understand what is happening regarding the protests and rioting, how it affects the Church, and how Christians might respond.
  6. We remember the year 1780 and the Gordon Riots. The reading is "A Ballad of Trees and the Master" by Sidney Lanier.
  7. We remember the year 1661 and the execution of James Guthrie. The reading is from the Scottish Martyrs Monument.
  8. We remember the year 1934 and the publishing of the Barmen Declaration. The reading is from Rachel Held Evans, "Inspired."
  9. We remember the year 1934 and the publishing of the Barmen Declaration. The reading is from Rachel Held Evans, "Inspired."
  10. “Sometimes dead is better." In this episode, now that we are dead to sin and alive to Christ through faith, what do we do with our free time?
  11. Apostle fight, round one . . . GO! Paul puts the smackdown on Peter in a in a no-holds-barred fight for the gospel, because there's too much at stake.