1. On this day, we remember Ambrose, Archbishop of Moscow, and Cornelius van Til. The reading is "The Apologists Evening Prayer" by C.S. Lewis.
  2. On this day, we remember the Battle at Meggido in 1486 BC and Mary Brant, who died in 1796. The reading is "Hosanna to Christ" by Isaac Watts.
  3. Badges? We Don't Need No Stinking Badges! Gillespie and Riley continue their discussion of Martin Luther's Galatians commentary. In this episode, more talk about active and passive righteousness, and the practical consequences of confusing law and Gospel, the two kingdoms, and active and passive righteousness.
  4. On this day, we remember George Calvert, a.k.a. Lord Baltimore and Damian of Molokai. The reading is "Voices Raised" by Marjorie Maddox.
  5. On this day, we remember the baptism of Miesko in 966 and the Asuza Street Revival of 1906. The reading is "the Penitent" by Anne Bronte.
  6. Christ is Risen! So stop being a wuss. Get up and Go out! It will be ok. But first take a listen to the boys in black - Ringside Preachers
  7. On this day, we remember Pope Martin I, d. 654, and Catherine De Medici, b. 1519. The reading is "Easter 2020" by Malcolm Guite.
  8. On this day, we break from our usual format and give many Easter events and birthdays. The reading is "Easter Communion" by Gerard Manley Hopkins.
  9. Sit still; this won’t hurt... much. Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Martin Luther’s Galatians commentary. This episode, active and passive righteousness.
  10. On this day, we remember Leonidas Polk, born 1806, and Henry Van Dyke jr., born 1852. The reading is from Gregory the Great.
  11. On this day, we celebrate Good Friday and consider its history and traditions. The reading is "Good Friday Morning" by Christina Rosetti.
  12. On this day, we recognize the holiday of Maundy Thursday. The reading is "The Feet of Judas" by George Marion McClellan.