1. On this day, the "Pilgrims" set sail on Mayflower in 1620. The notable patriarch of American Lutheranism, Henry Melchior Muehlenberg, was born on this day in 1711. The reading is from "The Ragamuffin Gospel" by Brennan Manning.
  2. On this day, we remember the birthday of Tommasso Campanella, utopian and astrologer, and also, Gottfried Arnold, theologian and historian. The reading is the hymn, "Thou Who Breakest Every Chain," by Gottfried Arnold.
  3. On this day, we remember Roman Catholic cardinal and archbishop František Tomášek, who helped the demise of the Czechoslovak communist regime. We also the radical Calvinist Jan van Hembyze, whose betrayal resulted in his beheading in 1584. The reading is by J.R.R. Tolkien, "Song of Aragorn."
  4. On this day, we remember two ecclesiastical figures, Pope Gregory, who was born in 540, and Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Oliver Cromwell, who died in 1658. The reading is from C.S. Lewis, "As the Ruin Falls."
  5. On this day, we remember the most impressive Symeon the Stylite, who died in 459 on his pedestal. We also remember Danish pastor N.F.S. Grundtvig, d. 1872. The reading is "Abide Among Us, We Implore Thee" from Grundtvig.
  6. We remember French polymath Marin Mersenne, who died on this day in 1648. We also commemorate the founding of the Order of St. Gregory the Great in 1831. The reading is from H.W. Longfellow, "Blind Bartimaeus."
  7. On this day, we remember two Biblical figures, Nicodemus & Joseph of Arimethea. On this day in 1688 John Bunyan died, the Puritan author of "Pilgrim's Progress." The reading is from William Blake, "And Did Those Feet."
  8. On this day, we remember the siege and sack of Jerusalem in AD 70. Also on this day in 1637, Anne Hutchinson was banished from the Massachusetts Bay colony. The reading is "My Body Is a Broken Toy" by Maurice Baring.
  9. On this day, we remember the beheading of St. John the Baptist, one of the oldest feast days in the church. We also remember German humanist Ulrich von Hutten, who later joined the Reformation. The reading is an excerpt from "The Meaning of the City" by Jacques Ellul.
  10. It is the feast day of St. Augustine, who died on this day 430. And we remember Hugo Grotius, Dutch theologian, who also died on this day in 1645. The reading is an excerpt from "The conversion of Saint Augustine" by Eleanor Donnelly.
  11. On this day, we remember St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine, and the order to burn Puritan John Milton's works in 1660. The reading is from John Milton, "On Blindness."
  12. On this day, we remember Petrus Ramus, a French reformer who died in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. We also remember the American Standard Version translation of the Bible from 1901, the predecessor to the Revised and New Revised Standard Versions. The reading is from Scott Cairns, "Another Idiot Psalm."