1. We remember theologian, bishop, and martyr, Cyprian of Carthage, who died on this day in 258. It is also the feast of Holy Cross Day. The reading is from "the Stations of the Cross" by Malcolm Guite, sonnet 12.
  2. So we bailed on that reality and we came to this one. Gillespie and Riley continue to discuss The Pilgrim's Progress. This episode, why fight demons when God will do it for you?
  3. On this day, we celebrate the feast of St. John Chrysostom, notable Christian preacher. And we recognize the birthday of English translator of German hymnody, Catherine Winkworth. The reading is an excerpt from Chrysostom's Easter Sermon.
  4. On this day, we remember early Reformation figure, Clement Marot, died 1544, and also the extraordinary Methodist figure, Mary Bosanquet Fletcher, born 1739. The reading is "Colossians 3:3" by George Herbert.
  5. On this day, we remember Scottish poet Joanna Baillie, born 1762, and author William X. Kienzle, born 1928. The reading is "Death Shall Have No Dominion" by Dylan Thomas.
  6. Life... say this out loud with an aspirational sigh. Gillespie and Riley continue their series on Pilgrim's Progress. This episode, the cross, present-tense Jesus, and getting the direction right.
  7. On this day, we remember Wolfgang Musculus, born 1497, and Jean Vanier, born 1928. The reading is from Wilfred Owen, "At A calvary Near the Ancre."
  8. On this day, we remember two Russians, Saint Joseph of Volokolamsk, d. 1515, and Alexander Men, d. 1990. The reading is from "The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
  9. So I exist in this wasteland. A man reduced to a single instinct: get to Mount Zion. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress." This week, chapter one and two, The City of Destruction and Interpreter's House. We talk more about our need for a present tense Jesus, the limits of allegory, and why Jesus isn't a good example for us to follow.
  10. On this day, we remember the founding of Harvard in 1636, and the birthday of Peter Martyr Vermigli, who began teaching in Strassbourg and ended in Zurich. The reading is from "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" by Oscar Wilde.
  11. Today we celebrate the birthday of Jacobus Acontius, author of Satanae Stratagemata, and Thomas Erastus, author of Explicatio gravissimae quaestionis. The reading is a bit better known, a poem from Chad Bird, "Were You There?"
  12. On this day, the "Pilgrims" set sail on Mayflower in 1620. The notable patriarch of American Lutheranism, Henry Melchior Muehlenberg, was born on this day in 1711. The reading is from "The Ragamuffin Gospel" by Brennan Manning.