1. On this day, we remember two 19th century bishops: Philander Chase, founder of Kenyon College in Ohio, and John Coleridge Patteson, missionary to Melanesia. The reading is "The Carillon" by Ida Gerhardt.
  2. We remember the birthday of Scottsman William Robertson, born 1721. Today is the feast day of Januarius, also known as San Gennaro. The reading is an excerpt from "The Everlasting Gospel" by Horatius Bonar.
  3. On this day, we remember the 310th birthday of Samuel Johnson, known by his friends as Dr. Johnson. We also remember poet and preacher, George MacDonald, who died on this day in 1905. The reading is from George Macdonald, "The Holy Thing."
  4. Paul says he hasn’t yet obtained perfection but is certain he will, but not because of anything he has done.
  5. The gospel is not an if-then proposition for us to achieve by works, but a done-deal completion by Christ alone which we receive by faith. Even as a good tree bears good fruit, a living faith does living things: it confesses, believes and trusts in Christ above all things. Today, Craig and Troy dive into all of these issues and more on "For You Radio."
  6. On this day, we remember the Benedictine abbess and mystic Hildegard von Bingen, and congregationalist Samuel Hopkins, born in 1721. The reading is from Hildegard von Bingen, "O spectabiles viri."
  7. We remember the third council of Constantinople which ended on this day in 681. We also remember the birthday of J.B. Phillips–Bible translator and author. The reading is "The Gift" by William Carlos Williams.
  8. On this day, we remember the 16th St. Baptist Church Bombings in 1963 and the birthday of notorious Anglican turned Baptist, Titus Oates, in 1649. The reading is "Be Still My Soul" by Kathrina von Schlegel.
  9. We remember theologian, bishop, and martyr, Cyprian of Carthage, who died on this day in 258. It is also the feast of Holy Cross Day. The reading is from "the Stations of the Cross" by Malcolm Guite, sonnet 12.
  10. On this day, we celebrate the feast of St. John Chrysostom, notable Christian preacher. And we recognize the birthday of English translator of German hymnody, Catherine Winkworth. The reading is an excerpt from Chrysostom's Easter Sermon.
  11. On this day, we remember early Reformation figure, Clement Marot, died 1544, and also the extraordinary Methodist figure, Mary Bosanquet Fletcher, born 1739. The reading is "Colossians 3:3" by George Herbert.
  12. On this day, we remember Scottish poet Joanna Baillie, born 1762, and author William X. Kienzle, born 1928. The reading is "Death Shall Have No Dominion" by Dylan Thomas.