1. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we celebrate the show’s birthday and remember Adam Schall, Jesuit Astronomer to the Chinese Emperor.
  2. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we remember the poet and hymn writer James Montgomery.
  3. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, head to the mailbag to answer a question about languages, literacy, and the Bible.
  4. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we remember Alexander Duff, a Scottish Missionary to India.
  5. Caleb and Dr. Paulson continue their read through Luther's Small Catechism. This time, Dr. Paulson teaches about the institution of the Lord's Supper.
  6. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we remember a giant in the history of American Evangelicalism: Charles E. Fuller.
  7. Today on the Christian History Almanac we tell the once popular story of the missionary adventurer Asahel Grant.
  8. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we look at the history of Methodism in America.
  9. Today, on the Christian History Almanac, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about the metrical Psalter.