1. On this day Abelard was pronounced guilty of heresy in 1140 and Francke's orphanage opened in 1694. Our reading is "Oh What Their Joy" by Abelard.
  2. Today we remember the birthday of Henry VIII, born 1491 AD, and we recognize the Martyrs of Lyon who died in 175 AD. Our reading is from Chapter V of the Epistle to Diognetus, a second century AD description of Christians.
  3. On this day we remember the feast of Justin Martyr and Mary Dyer who died on this date in 1660. Our reading is "When in mid-air, the golden trump shall sound" by John Dryden.
  4. On this day we remember St. Petronilla, Alexander Cruden, and Joachim Neander. Our reading is "Ascension" by John Donne.
  5. On this day the church father Eusebius died in 336 and Joan of Arc was burned in 1431. Our reading is "Late Results" by Scott Cairns.
  6. Today we remember the murder of Cardinal Beaton of Scotland in 1546 and the birth of G.K. Chesterton in 1874. Our reading is the first six stanzas from "The Nativity" by Chesterton.
  7. Daddy needs to discuss some law and grace.... Chicka-chickahhhhh! This week, Gillespie and Riley go live, reading, discussing, and responding to your questions and comments about Bunyan's writing on law and grace.
  8. On this day we remember Margaret Pole and the addition of "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance. Our reading is "Disgraceland" by Mary Karr.
  9. We remember on this day John Calvin and Peter Marshall. Our reading is "Early One Easter Morn" by Chad Bird.
  10. On this day we remember Nicholas Von Zinzendorf and Augustine of Canterbury. Our reading is "His Saviors Words, Going to the Cross" - Robert Herrick.
  11. We remember on this day Bede the Venerable and the dedication of St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC. Our reading is "Thomas" by Robert Siegel.
  12. On this day we remember Aldersgate Day in 1738, the Wesley Brothers, and St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer. Our reading is From Luther's Preface to the Epistle to the Romans.