1. On this episode, Dr. Francisco teaches us about John of Damascus, an early apologist.
  2. Aquinas' views on philosophy set up the groundwork for classical apologetics and his Theology was disputed in the Reformation.
  3. It is impossible to pass up Luther and his significance in Chruch History.
  4. This time we discuss our first American Christian Gresham Machen.
  5. Our subject is Johan Arndt who was a prominent Lutheran Pastor and author who lived between 1555 and 1621.
  6. Welcome to the first episode of our "Great Thinkers of the Christian Faith" series.
  7. Producer Caleb and Dr. Keith discuss the direction of the show and our new series.
  8. On this episode, the fellows have a military historian, Caleb Karges on the show to talk about Just War Theory.
  9. This week, we cover another wave of listeners questions as we start the journey into year two. A big thank you to all our listeners and supporters as the show continues to thrive an
  10. On this episode, our resident historian Dr. Adam Francisco talks about Martin Luther and his view of apologetics.
  11. Today we celebrate the upcoming 499th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Joining us this episode is Dr. Steve Hein who is an author and contributor at 1517 the Legacy Project. This episode is about the history and importance of the Reformation and how we carry on that legacy and recovery today. Sit back, relax, grab a pint, and enjoy the show.
  12. Today you’ll hear the giddy voice of Dr. Keith and the calm demeanor of Dr. Kolb as they go over the details concerning the history, background, and Loci of Philip Melanchthon. If you're even remotely interested in Lutheran theology this is an episode you shouldn’t miss. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and listen to the show.