1. Sometimes You Just Have to Hit The Reset and Start Over... Sometimes You Don’t. What happens to the church and society when we are incapable of critical thinking? Can we learn from our failures, and the attacks of our enemies? What happens to society when Christ isn’t publicly preached against sin, death, and the devil.
  2. Steel Our Christian Hearts. We continue with C.S. Lewis’ speech on Learning in War-Time. How important is it for Christians and society to read good books, to learn from our opponents, and to stand up for the truth?
  3. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  4. We continue our conversation with C.S. Lewis, as he addresses the distinction between dying and living for one's nation, party, and class. How do we distinguish between the demands of Caesar and God?
  5. Gentlemen, You Can't Fight in Here, This is The War Room. C.S. Lewis addresses the distinction between dying and living for one's nation, party, and class. How do we distinguish between the demands of Caesar and God?
  6. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  7. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.
  8. Now You're Playing with Power. In this episode, we discuss what happens when a society subverts the power of dominant groups in favor of the oppressed.
  9. This Hurts You More Than It Hurts Me. Further discussion and analysis of utilitarianism... What happens when we drill down into the harm principle and uncover the truth about human nature? And we jump into post-modernism.
  10. What is heresy, anyway? Why does it matter? Craig and Troy walk through the basic understandings of heresy and heterodoxy and their dangers. True Biblical teaching always leads us to who Jesus really is, and who He is for you. Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org St. James Lutheran Church www.stjameslcms.church St. Peter's Lutheran Church www.Stpeterslc.org We're proud to be a podcast of 1517.org podcasts.
  11. You Gotta Pump Those Numbers, Those Are Rookie Numbers. We continue our examination of Tim Keller's Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory. In this episode, can a society maximize the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people by ignoring original sin?
  12. Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law. Your host, Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, is a lawyer, a theologian, an author, and an accomplished defender of biblical Christianity. He is no stranger to the rules of evidence or the courtroom. So with our skeptical world for the prosecution and Dr. John Warwick Montgomery for the defense, stay with us as we listen in on Christianity on Trial.