1. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember the complicated history of Granville Oral Roberts.
  2. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we remember Elizabeth Evelyn Wright and her work in post-Civil War America.
  3. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we tell the story behind today’s festivities in Sweden and beyond for St. Lucy’s Day.
  4. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we tell the story behind an Oscar-winning classic and curious phrase.
  5. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about “Seventh Day Baptists.”
  6. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we look at an exemplary Puritan: Richard Baxter.
  7. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head back to 1965 and the death of Christendom (sort of).
  8. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head back to Egypt, to modern Nigeria and the martyrdom of Elijah Yisa.
  9. Nearly two decades ago, Pope Benedict XVI (formerly Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) delivered what is often called the Regensburg lecture. Though it was meant to rekindle the relationship between faith and reason (or science and theology) in higher education, much of the world—or at least the Muslim majority world—got distracted by a brief reference he made to a fifteenth-century dialogue about Islam, its theological voluntarism, and the consequences of such a view of God.
  10. Today on the Christian History Almanac, we head to Egypt to learn about Clement of Alexandria and his impact on the church.
  11. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX, Mike and Wade are joined by Prof. Joshua Johnson from the college to discuss education as formation. Despite Wade’s best efforts, the guys got a little distracted at a few points, but we think it was fun, and the topic is one we hope to return to in the future.