1. Today, The Fellows talk about the various biographies Martin Luther.
  2. Welcome to Let the Bird Fly! a podcast about living freely in a world given back to us.
  3. It is impossible to pass up Luther and his significance in Chruch History.
  4. Pastor Koch is here to talk about the importance of preaching the Law and the Gospel
  5. Hallo! This week the Thinking Fellows are in Germany as special guests to the Confessio Augustana conference. Capitalizing on this experience, Dr. Keith, and producer Caleb sit down with Drs. Bob Kolb and Uwe Siemon-Netto. Our guests along with Dr. Keith discuss Two Kingdom theory clarifying our earlier episode on the topic. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show!
  6. The Thinking Fellows return to their Loci topics in episode 23. Drs. Keith, Rosenbladt, and Francisco discuss the history and purpose behind Two Kingdom theory while also covering its limitations. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.