1. The year was 1735. Today we remember the Welsh Methodist Revival and the conversion of Howell Harris. The reading is from the Welsh poet William Williams.
  2. The year was 1638. Today we remember the establishment of the Lutheran colony of New Sweden on the Delaware. The reading is from Swedish theologian Gustav Aulen.
  3. The year was 1987. Today we remember “the real” Maria von Trapp. The reading is a Palm Sunday poem from G.K. Chesterton.
  4. The year was 1329. Today we remember "In Agro Dominico" and the "problem" of mysticism in the church. The reading is from Martin Luther.
  5. The year was 1861. Today we remember Uchimura Kanzo, a member of Japan's Non-Church movement. The reading is from N.T Wright.
  6. The year was 1917. Today we remember the Georgian Orthodox Church and their call for independence. The reading is from Sergei Bulgakov.
  7. In this episode, Blake sits down with illustrator, Zach Stuef. They discuss his love for drawing early love for drawing as a child, and how encouragement from others, combined with a continual desire to create led him to pursue the vocation of illustrator.
  8. The year was 1638 (and 1726). Today we remember the enigmatic latitudinarian Daniel Whitby. The reading is from a 4th-century hymn by Aurelius Prudentius.
  9. The year was 1198. Today we remember the mysterious Waldensians and their expulsion from Spain. The reading is John Milton's reflection on them in his "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont."
  10. The year was 1621. Today we remember the 17th century’s “Most Interesting Man”. The reading is from John Calvin’s Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.
  11. The year was 1557. Today we remember Anne Howard (nee Dacre) and the Elizabethan persecutions. The reading is from Robert Southwell's "The Nativity of Christ."
  12. The year was 1477. Today we remember Jerome Emser, a Reformation-era controversialist. The reading is “The Loving Soul’s Jubilation” by Bernard of Clairvaux.