1. Pain and suffering; it can feel like punishment from an angry God, and we try to figure out the cause, to our own frustration.
  2. Fear and great joy at Jesus' resurrection! But also rejection and refusal.
  3. Jesus does not take the easy way out, but takes the hard path so that you don't need to.
  4. In this episode, Paulson identifies the worry that all religion tries to answer "Am I chosen by God?"
  5. The irony of guilt and innocence abounds in this passage: Jesus is innocent but condemned; we are guilty but set free.
  6. Judas, Peter, and you are all betrayers of Jesus, and yet He does the work necessary to forgive your sins.
  7. Peter's profound promises to perfectly protect the progeny of the Padre putter out. Jesus is tormented to His core knowing what He is about to face, but commits Himself for you.
  8. We continue our conversation with Nancy Guthrie and how life changing it can be to find Christ in the Old Testament--and not just in the prophecies. It's transformative, and as she would say, there's nothing more practical.