1. Today on the show, we tell the story of a German immigrant, diplomat, one-time monk, and Lutheran lay minister in Pennsylvania: Conrad Weiser.
  2. Today on the show, we talk about All Hallow’s Day, the day after Halloween.
  3. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about Ethiopian Christians.
  4. Blind Faith Is Worthless Unless It’s Blind Faith in Us. In this episode, we discuss Augustine’s Confessions, specifically Augustine’s reflection on the Manichaeans and the effect God’s Word had on his conversion to Christianity.
  5. Today on the show, we remember a central figure in the British Enlightenment and the move towards toleration in the English church.
  6. Gretchen and Katie move onto the 2nd Article of the Apostle's Creed, that discusses the 2nd person of the Trinity.
  7. Today on the show, we remember an Archbishop of Canterbury who served the church of England during WWII.
  8. Today on the Almanac, we remember the saint behind the title of a popular book and miniseries about World War 2.
  9. Today on the Almanac, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about Christianity and facial hair.