1. Dr. Paulson explores Luther's rebuttal of the adage "Knowledge is Power."
  2. Following Augustine's proposition that prayer can lead to a cooperative relationship between God's will and man's, Paulson, the alternative prayer that Luther highlights with the petition "Thy will be done."
  3. The Fellows discuss the importance of the Reformation.
  4. How are you to escape hell? Jesus sends prophets, but those who refuse to hear become guilty of their father's sin?
  5. "Meek and mild" Jesus continues His full-frontal attack on hypocrisy and hypocrites. Craig and Troy discuss six of Jesus' seven "woes."
  6. The Thinking Fellows explore the reasons why students go to college.
  7. The Thinking Fellows make a case for reading old books.
  8. The culmination of our episodes on ontology and time is declaring that you are free to be.
  9. This is the end of our conversation with Aimee Byrd to discuss the discipleship of women.
  10. One at the right hand, and one on the left . . . but Jesus doesn't think that means what they think it means.
  11. We have special guest, Aimee Byrd, on today to talk about her journey in being a woman who studies theology. She shares the purpose on each of her books and how they build off of one another, leading up to her most recent book that we are discussing today on Biblical manhood and womanhood.
  12. What does it mean to become a child in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Pride and earthly strength compete with Christlike humility.