40 Minutes in the Old Testament


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Judges 6:25-7:7 (Episode 204)

February 21, 2020 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
Contending with false gods, fleeces, and a new nickname are all in store for Gideon.

Judges 6:1-24 (Episode 203)

February 14, 2020 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
Bad things happen when you refuse to listen to God and Gideon meets Jesus.

Judges 5:1-31 (Episode 202)

February 10, 2020 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
A song is sung by Deborah to cement what God has done in the history of Israel. Why does this song and others have an address to enemies? Why is God’s interaction with creation so personal?

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Judges 4:1-24 (Episode 201)

February 3, 2020 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
Israel is in trouble again, so we are introduced to a prophetess judge named Deborah.

Judges 3:1-30 (Episode 200)

January 25, 2020 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
A left-handed man has a short sword and a message from God for a fat king.

Judges 2:1-23 (Episode 199)

January 17, 2020 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
The children of Israel are on the fast-track to bondage. What is so tempting about foreign gods and why do the people turn to them so quickly?

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Judges: Introduction and Chapter 1 (Episode 198)

January 10, 2020 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
An introduction to the book of Judges and exploration of the first chapter.

Joshua 23:1-24:33 (Episode 197)

January 3, 2020 | By Daniel Emery Price, Erick Sorensen
Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Joshua. Idolatry, the "good words" of God, and choosing who you will serve.

Joshua 20:1-22:34 (Episode 196)

December 27, 2019 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
God doesn’t let His promises “fall” but fulfills them all for everyone. How does God having one plan for both Jews and Gentiles shape our eschatology?

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2019 Christmas Podcast

December 22, 2019 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price, Erick Sorensen
Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorensen talk with Chad Bird about his Christmas/Communion hymn, The Infant Priest Was Holy Born.

Joshua 16:1-19:51 (Episode 195)

December 20, 2019 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
Forced labor, subdued land, and Shiloh.

Joshua 14:1-15:63 (Episode 194)

December 13, 2019 | By Chad Bird, Daniel Emery Price
There is a lot about Caleb in this episode. He is older but no less ready to take the land God has promised them.

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