164: Timothy Keller - Lots of foolish and cruel things can make us happy

This Hurts You More Than It Hurts Me. Further discussion and analysis of utilitarianism... What happens when we drill down into the harm principle and uncover the truth about human nature? And we jump into post-modernism.


A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory https://quarterly.gospelinlife.com/a-biblical-critique-of-secular-justice-and-critical-theory/

160: Timothy Keller - Biblical justice differs in significant ways from all the secular alternatives https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/160-keller

161: Timothy Keller - There is no need in liberal society for any consensus on moral values https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/161-keller

162: Timothy Keller - Liberals’ insistence that religious views stay out of public discourse is hypocritical https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/162-keller

163: Timothy Keller - If you believe in human rights, you are probably not a utilitarian https://www.1517.org/podcasts/banned-books/163-keller

Ringside with the Preachers https://www.facebook.com/ringsidepreachers/

Small Catechism https://catechism.cph.org

Large Catechism https://www.bookofconcord.org/lc-1-intro.php

Grace Upon Grace - John Kleinig https://amzn.to/2QIqc33

Free to Be: A Handbook to Luther's Small Catechism https://amzn.to/31Hl2us

Lord’s Prayer - Albrecht Peters https://amzn.to/2QHGmd2

John Kleinig http://www.johnkleinig.com

The Federalist Papers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Federalist_Papers

The pursuit of Happiness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happiness

One Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting' https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/08/27/906642178/one-authors-argument-in-defense-of-looting

Uncle Tom (2020) https://uncletom.com

God’s justice is better than man’s justice: A response to Tim Keller https://libertarianchristians.com/2020/08/07/gods-justice-tim-keller/




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