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198: Simone Weil - The Cross

April 1, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Into The Mystic. In this episode, we read and discuss the crucifixion as interpreted by Simone Weil, an anarchist, philosopher, and mystic.

197b: Leo the Great - Use Lent for general improvement in the whole round of Christian duties

March 29, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
The Right Man for The Job. In this episode, we finish reading and discussing Leo the Great’s Lenten sermon about Christ’s two natures. What happens when the old Adam adds to Scripture’s witness to Jesus’ two natures?

197a: Leo the Great - All the actions of Christ reveal the presence of the twofold nature

March 26, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
God Really Bodies Our Salvation. In this episode, we read and discuss a Lenten sermon from Leo the Great. What happens when the two natures of Christ are divided?

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196b: Luther - Paul cuts out all merit and gives glory only to God

March 19, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Grace Means Never Having to Try Harder. In this episode, Martin Luther’s comments on the letter to the Galatians regarding God’s mercy and predestination.

196a: Luther - I was forgiven only by God’s boundless grace

March 15, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
The stunning truth about God’s grace. In this episode, Luther’s comments about Galatians 1:15. What do we do when it’s revealed God chooses to be gracious to us while we are wicked and blasphemous?

195b: Luther - Mesmerized by the wizardry of the devil

March 13, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
You’re A Wizard, Lucifer! In this episode, Martin Luther continues to commentate on the apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians, and his question, “Who has bewitched you...?”

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195a: Luther - Ancient serpent bewitches not only the senses but also the mind with false and evil thinking

March 10, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Satan Rules The World, And Is It’s God. In this episode, Martin Luther expands on the apostle Paul’s question to the Galatians, “Who has bewitched your...?”

194b: Luther - Our knowledge of God is merely passive

March 1, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Just Sit Back and Let It Happen. In this episode, we continue our reading of Martin Luther’s Galatians lectures. This week, passive faith, internalizing virtue, and the law of the jungle.

194a: Luther - God’s will is to bless all nations... through Christ

February 23, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Free Will Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be. In this episode, more from Luther’s Galatians lectures. This week, God’s will, free will, identity, and taking the moral low ground.

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193b: Luther - Christ has made us free, not civilly, not physically, but divinely

February 20, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Free For It All. This week on the podcast, we continue our Lenten series on Christian freedom in Martin Luther’s Galatians lectures. In this episode, Gospel, Satan, and competing freedoms.

193a: Luther - It is for freedom that Christ has set us free

February 18, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Lent Is About Freedom. In this episode, we read Martin Luther’s 1525 Galatians commentary. Why is freedom a vulgar word to the old Adam? And we consider why freedom must be Lent's primary focus for Christians.

192b: Solzhenitsyn - Never knowingly support lies!

February 13, 2021 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
A spirit of timidity and a Spirit of courage. In this episode, we conclude our reading of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Live Not By Lies. What happens when the church chooses a spirit of timidity in order to spare itself affliction? Also, the sins of the fathers and the true meaning of sanctuary.


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