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155: Augustine - Just wars are usually defined as those that avenge injuries

July 31, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Fire for Effect. In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of Augustine on just war.

154: Augustine - Love for one's enemies and a benevolent severity

July 23, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
War, What Is It Good For? In this episode, Augustine’s theology of war is introduced.

153: Law and Gospel in Practical Application

July 16, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Is This The Real Life... In this double-length episode, Riley and Gillespie ask what are the consequences for not grounding our preaching, teaching, prayer, and worship in concrete reality as revealed by God’s Word of law and Gospel?

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152: Justin Holcomb - Human Trafficking in God’s World

Pure Evil Hidden in Plain Sight. Human trafficking, sexual abuse, and how the Church can engage with and fight against Satanic evil.

151: Tearing Down Statues and Cancelling History

It’s Not Like You Can Change History Just Because Your Feelings Are Hurt... Right? Riley and Gillespie discuss history, feelings, and canceling the cancelers with God’s Word, all this in preparation for part two on human trafficking.

150: Martin Luther - On the Jews and their Lies (1543)

June 27, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Wow, I gotta be honest... I did not see that coming! Anti-semitism, public doctrine, and when it’s necessary to tear down our idols.

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149: An Apologetic Primer on Jehovah’s Witnesses

June 25, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
We Are Not Your Kind. Gillespie and Riley respond to a listener question: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a part of the Christian Church?

148: Ken Korby - Wherever the Gospel is spoken, one must also talk about moderation and suffering with joy

June 19, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Riley and Gillespie continue their conversation on moderation in public dialogue, the wrath of God, our passions, and not succumbing to media propaganda.

147: Ken Korby - Different Ministries, Different Means, One God!

June 17, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
You Can’t Get Right if You Can’t Relate... Much too little has been done either to articulate or to augment the kind of "pastoral care" that equips Christian citizens to demonstrate care for the world in their daily vocation.

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146: Propaganda Never Rests - God Controls The Outcome of History, part 2

June 13, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Our appearance is designed to be familiar and to put you at ease. We continue our discussion of the Church and social change and upheaval.

145: The Violence of Modernity - God Controls The Outcome of History, part 1

June 11, 2020 | By Christopher Gillespie, Donavon Riley
Are You Gonna Slay It? We take a deep dive into the relation of the Church to social change and upheaval.

144: A Pastoral Debrief on Epidemic, Protests, and Riots

Riley and Gillespie take a break from the usual format to consider how our nation quickly forgot COVID-19 in the wake of the death of George Floyd. We seek to better understand what is happening regarding the protests and rioting, how it affects the Church, and how Christians might respond.


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