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You are a fruit

July 17, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
"If we are led by the Spirit" . . . but where does the Spirit lead? He always leads us to Christ and His cross.

"Severed" from Christ

July 10, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
For the Galatians, adding circumcision to their faith in Jesus was their confidence. But adding anything to Jesus gets you nothing.

An allegory of freedom

July 3, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Who is a true child of God? Who is a true child of the promise? Paul gives a surprising allegory that helps us understand just how easily we fall into the trap of selling ourselves back into spiritual slavery.

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Spiritually abusive pastors

June 26, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Pastor Paul is perplexed over the presumptiveness of people of a pugnacious persuasion who consider themselves to be in a position to pass over the Gospel.

Daddy issues

June 19, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
So, look . . . if you want to rely upon works of the Law to lay claim to the title "child of God," you can't. To be under the Law is to be a slave, and slaves are not sons.

Promises, promises

June 12, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Paul shows that the Law was never intended to save, but that salvation comes only through promise. The Law merely served as an instructor until the coming of the promised Christ.

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June 5, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Paul has a full head of steam and runs into the ground the notion that we receive the Spirit by works instead of by grace. Instead, we are of Abraham, the man of Christ.

Are you ready to rumble?

May 29, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Apostle fight, round one . . . GO! Paul puts the smackdown on Peter in a in a no-holds-barred fight for the gospel, because there's too much at stake.

No man's gospel

May 23, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Paul's genesis as an apostle is established by Christ, not by man. Therefore, the gospel Paul preaches can be trusted to be the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Give me the good stuff!

May 15, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
As Craig and Troy crack open the book of Galatians, Saul the Christ-hater becomes Paul the one sent by Christ. He knows what gospel is, so why have the Galatians forgotten?

The devotional life of the Word

May 8, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
Are devotions private or public? Craig and Troy speak on the Word in all its forms, especially the Word as it comes to us through the gathered church.

God's Word or my feelings?

May 1, 2020 | By Troy Neujahr, Craig Donofrio
God's Word stands objectively true. God's Word is not subject to our feelings or culture. Craig and Troy discuss how the Word operates on us, and you get a few 50-cent words in the mix.

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