Epistle: 1 Peter 2:2-10 (Easter 5: Series A)
The temple Christ inhabits is His own body and His body has been expanded, as it were, to include both Jew and Gentile in the Church. -
Epistle: I Peter 2:19-25 (Easter 4: Series A)
You have been chosen to come out of the darkness and into this marvelous light, the light of the Resurrection. You are a people who constitute an exodus from racism, sexism, elitism, classism and now participate in a new race of human beings who are, through baptism, the foundational cure for the evils of these things in human society. -
A Look at 1 Peter 2: That We May Be His Own
He calls us to suffer as Christ suffered. That is, we are to suffer in service to our neighbor even if they caused the injustice.
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