1 Peter 3 resources

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1 Peter


  • Will There Be Animals in Heaven?
    As our first parents had a bond with the animals, as Noah had animals with him in the reboot of creation after the flood, so after this old creation comes to an end, we will enjoy a new creation that includes animals.
  • A Look at 1 Peter 3: Baptism Now Saves You
    When we read this chapter, we find that we are actually shaped by the word.
  • Why You Shouldn’t Do Apologetics
    Apologetics isn’t optional for the Christian, just as Christ isn’t optional to apologetics.
  • What's Wrong with Apologetics (Part 1)
    Apologetics (providing evidence for one’s faith) is a bad word in some circles. In others, apologetics is an entirely negative enterprise: that is, it only tangles up opponents and exposes their intellectual incoherence while refusing to provide positive reasons to believe in Christianity.
  • Christian Suffering: Noahs' Baptism
    In Sunday morning Bible study, our class is reading 1st Peter. This week was chapter 3 and I’ve always had a challenge with the imagery there. I’m talking about the way Peter brings Noah into the picture and connects it to Christian suffering.

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